
I watched a movie, Birdman, because Igarashi-san told that he bought the physical DVD since he loved the movie so much. Someone like to purchase physical version to add their shelves since they loved the movie or music so much. 

The movie was awful. the main charactor, who was famous actor long time ago and now everyone forgot about him, was trying to success his play at broadway. And it illustrates joy, distress, conflict, and other feelings of actors. But to be honest the motive of the movie was too naive.

It was a beautiful movie. I was moved.

Men, however, cannot live to repurchase their old fame. Everything must pass. Man cannot live with illusion. Just to see the world and condition as they are. 

My thougt may be changed if I read the novel, What we talk about when we talk about love.

But this is true in univaersal way. Naipaul once wrote;

“The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it.”